[CM] rts debut
Ian Smith-Heisters
heisters at 0x09.com
Fri Sep 23 09:17:14 PDT 2005
I've been very interested in opening up Lisp to do realtime video
(raster mostly, as opposed to 3D). However, I haven't even had time to
move from SC to SND/CLM yet, so video is a ways off. One thought I had
was to use PDP, which started as PureDataPackets, but is now a C
library, which it should be possible to interface to with Lisp. A native
Lisp solution would of course be preferrable. I would be surprised if
there wasn't already a Lisp facility to work with graphics as matrices.
It shouldn't be a huge jump to move from there to mjpeg.
I emailed Hanspeter with some questions, if he responds I'll ask his
permission to further post it to the list.
todd ingalls wrote:
> ian,
> This is in part a great deal of my interest as well.
> The first badly hacked version of rt stuff came from me using cm to
> communicate to supercollider in response to some motion analysis we are
> doing based on real-time motion capture in performance. at that time
> things worked well responding to this data.
> anyway, something i would be interested in looking at for the future
> would be using the quicktime framegrabber to do some basic video
> analysis in openmcl. also maybe a lisp interface to teleo modules or
> other type of sensors.
> i would really be interested to hear more from hanspeter as well on what
> they are doing - it sounds like they've made quite an impression!
> On Sep 23, 2005, at 6:48 AM, Ian Smith-Heisters wrote:
>> This is very interesting. Would it be possible to get more information
>> about the dance side of things? My primary interest in c(l)m w/ rts is
>> for use with my dance.
>> -Ian
>> Rick Taube wrote:
>>> Composers might be interested in Hanspeters experience witht the new
>>> rts scheduler todd and i have been working on. Im forwarding most of
>>> his note with his permission.
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Hanspeter Kyburz <hkyburz at gmx.de>
>>>> Date: September 23, 2005 5:20:50 AM CDT
>>>> To: Rick Taube <taube at uiuc.edu>
>>>> Subject: Re: midishare?
>>>> Hi Rick,
>>>> it was really impressing! We had our last ten day block of
>>>> experiments in
>>>> the hall of Centre Pompidou in Paris with the dancer (Emio Greco),
>>>> video
>>>> (Joost Rekveld), light (Pieter Scholten), Max (Wolfgang Heiniger)
>>>> and CM
>>>> (me).
>>>> One rt-process simulted a virutal ensemble, which will be replaced
>>>> in the
>>>> concerts by the Ensemble Intercontemporain. The other rt-processes were
>>>> sprouted and continously modulated by more or less imprevisible
>>>> gestures of
>>>> the dancer, but nevertheless were strictly referring harmonically and
>>>> rhythmically to the dynamic context of the ensemble's deveopment. I
>>>> was most
>>>> exciting to watch complex patterns based on descrete elements
>>>> depending on
>>>> continous realtime control.
>>>> Some people who came by sat there for hours just to follow the
>>>> rehearsals.
>>>> Boulez also came and stayed there until the late evening, all the time
>>>> asking questions about CMs patterns. What a curious guy with his 80
>>>> years!
>>>> But above all it was quite a shock for some of the Ircam programmers
>>>> [...]
>>>> , who were most interested in OpenMCLs
>>>> native parallel threads and CMs rt-scheduler.
>>>> With the Vienna Sample Library's sounds we even had a quite realistic
>>>> simulation of the ensemble. One machine was just used for data
>>>> conditioning,
>>>> filtering the incoming sensor data. From my machine CMs Mididata
>>>> were sent
>>>> via Midishare (4 IAC Ports) to Kontakt (Software Sampler) and
>>>> directly to
>>>> the another computer's video processing (Jitter). Kontakt's Audio
>>>> was sent
>>>> from my machine to MAX on Wolfgang's computer. Communication
>>>> remained stable
>>>> during the whole period of 9 days.
>>>> My whole code has got blown up and is not very transparent at the
>>>> moment. As
>>>> soon as I have time to comment it, I will send it to you. First I
>>>> have to
>>>> clean it up and finish the score for the ensemble. Concerts will
>>>> start in
>>>> Nov 8, 9, 10 and there will be two tours each of a month with several
>>>> concerts in 2006. I hope we will have a reasonable video recording
>>>> of the
>>>> premiere which I can send to you.
>>>> [...]
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