[PlanetCCRMA] [Fedora-music-list] new packages in Fedora updates-testing (2010-04-10)

Orcan Ogetbil oget.fedora at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 15:58:32 PDT 2010

Thank you Niels, for the feedback.

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Niels Mayer wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Orcan Ogetbil <oget.fedora at gmail.com>

>> > guitarix-0.07.1 (failed):
>> I also tried to update guitarix to 0.07.1. However this version
>> requires zita-resampler, which doesn't exist in Fedora yet. But it
>> exists in PlanetCCRMA. Maybe we should build guitarix 0.07.1 on
>> PlanetCCRMA until we get zita-resampler into Fedora (which may take a
>> while since I am really busy these days. If anyone wants to give a
>> hand I would be very happy).
> I'm intrigued by guitarix && would like to see it's interface to jconvolver
> be more useful (there's always jcgui, which seems to be the jconvolver parts
> of guitarix minus the "the knob goes to 11 so it's really loud" :-) part.).
> IMHO both should be part of fedora since they're basically the same
> "pattern" with the same dependencies.
> The thing that would help w/ guitarix/jcgui's usage of jconvolver would be
> better-working examples & hints for loading them up within the app... see
> also http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.audio.planetccrma.general/9587 .
> How can I help?

The issue is, it takes time to get packages reviewed since there are
about 700 review requests pending. If we had 2 people on Fedora (1
will package, 1 will review) then things would go faster. But as 1
person, I am packaging stuff and waiting some external person to take
time to review the package. a2jmidi, for instance, I submitted it for
review months ago and nobody looked at it yet.

But I can't force anyone to become a packager. It takes time to learn
and get into it, especially if the person does not have some
programming background. I am just announcing here, if there is anyone
who can spare a couple hours every week and is willing to do packaging
work, we would be very pleased.

> FYI, I have not received reply regarding access to some of the jconvolver
> files:

Yeah, I don't know of an email address of him that he checks and
replies emails. I tried a couple addresses of him I found here and
here but no luck still.

> PS: Here's my overall installation "method" for these updates. (Btw, what
> should I do to get rid of the --nogpgcheck option
> when i don't want to include the updates-testing repo, and prefer to do it
> "manually" as below, yet would also like a GPG check of package integrity:

When the updates get signed and put into updates-testing repo (takes a
couple days after my announcements), you can temporarily enable the
updates-testing repo for once to install specific packages, like
$ yum --enablerepo updates-testing update muse
$ yum --enablerepo updates-testing install ladspa-wasp-plugins
etc. When this command finishes its work, your updates-testing repo
will be disabled.


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