[PlanetCCRMA] book on ccrma?

Keith Sharp keith.sharp at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 16:17:48 PST 2009

2009/11/18 Gabriel <linux at gabriel-striewe.de>:
> Hello,
> is there a book available on CCRMA? In case there isn't, I would like
> to set one up. I will publish the sources on my website under the GNU
> Free Documentation License. I am thinking about using LaTeX
> \documentclass{book}. Any other idea?
> When it is quite usable, everybody can buy a printed copy on demand on
> lily.com. Or just download the sources, convert them to pdf and print
> them at home or read them on screen!
> It would be a book on setup of CCRMA on Fedora, installation, a guide
> to jack and compatible programs, a section on ffado and so on.

If you were going to do this I would suggest using Docbook and
Publican as the toolchain.  You should contact the Fedora
Documentation team and see if they would be interested in helping you.


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