[PlanetCCRMA] book on ccrma?

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Nov 18 09:21:32 PST 2009

> is there a book available on CCRMA? In case there isn't, I would like
> to set one up. I will publish the sources on my website under the GNU
> Free Documentation License. I am thinking about using LaTeX
> \documentclass{book}. Any other idea? 

Hi Gabriel,

I am not so sure. As with all documentation on this regard: things keep
changing as we speak, and it's very hard to keep up. 

I would go for a HowTo-wiki-blog style documentation nowadays.

BTW, Is there a LaTeX "\documentclass{wiki}" or a PERL application like
latex2html to get documentation right on wiki style?. 

Just ideas,

 --* Juan Reyes

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