[PlanetCCRMA] Success stories with CCRMA and Firewire Audio Interfaces

Chris Nutt chris.nutt at ntlworld.com
Thu Feb 12 07:54:02 PST 2009

2nd try:


Chris Nutt wrote:
> Hi
> If you go to FC10 with ccrma you won't need to compile anything the 
> required packages are in the ccrma repo.
> A list of fully supported devices is here: 
> http://www.ffado.org/?q=devicesupport%2Flist&filter0=&filter1=&op2=OR&filter2[]=perfect
> I would agree with that Focusrite are a good way to go (I have a 
> Sapphire 26IO and the pres are very good) . I would look down the list 
> of supported devices and match your requirements with a best fit there 
> are a few reviews around for sound quality if you search for them.
> I don't use midi at the mo so can't help there.
> Cheers
> Chris
> David Nielson wrote:
>> If you *MUST* go Firewire, I have heard nothing but good things about 
>> the Focusrite Firewire interfaces. They do work with FFADO, but you will 
>> still have to do the dance of compiling many things yourself. (libffado 
>> + dependencies, Jack, and FFADO are the ones I can think of.)
>> If you have the option of using Expresscard instead of Firewire, I 
>> HIGHLY recommend it. I've paid the price for trying to make Firewire 
>> work; I bought a Presonus Firestudio (supposed to work, then we found 
>> out it's not based on the same chipset as the Firepod) and then an 
>> M-Audio Profire Lightbridge (also supposed to work, but has dropouts 
>> that I can't fix right now.)
>> I finally bought an RME Digiface + expresscard solution, and it 
>> literally works out of the box with no additional configuration needed. 
>> The bad news is, this is expensive. (Digiface + Expresscard = $1300, but 
>> if you only need 2 ins and outs, you can get the Multiface, which costs 
>> less; **PLUS** you will probably have to buy outboard AD / DA converters 
>> and/or preamps.)
>> Best of luck,
>> David
>> Linux Media wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been running CCRMA/FC7 till all Firewire bugs worked were worked 
>>> out in more current CCRMA versions. I'm ready to invest in a Firewire 
>>> Audio Interface and just need to know a few things before investing the 
>>> money I currently have...
>>> Is there a Firewire Audio Interface that anyone is (successfully) using 
>>> on (any) CCRMA/FC* system?
>>> What is the name and model?
>>> Which CCRMA/FC version?
>>> Does midi work?
>>> Do I need to be a guru to figure how to get it working?
>>> Here are my needs. These are the (minimal) needs and willing to pay more 
>>> if (for instance) someone was using an interface that had everything I 
>>> needed but I needed to pay more for more Audio Inputs (or whatever).
>>> I need...
>>> 24bit 96000 recording quality
>>> 2 Ins (XLR with Fantom Power)
>>> 2 Outs
>>> 1 Midi I/O would be good, but not important since I have a midi 
>>> interface already.
>>> My most important concern is the preamp quality. I invested $500 in a 
>>> Rode NT2000 mic and would hate to loose sound quality because of 
>>> inferior preamps.
>>> Thanks in advance...
>>> Rocco
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