[PlanetCCRMA] RPM -> Ardour with FLAC support ?

Wilkinson, Alex alex.wilkinson at dsto.defence.gov.au
Tue Feb 3 21:40:53 PST 2009

Hi all,

Firstly... Great work with the PlanetCCRMA repo! Has made life *significantly* easier.


Can anyone tell me if there is an Ardour RPM in the CCRMA repo with FLAC support ?
The ardour RPM i have installed via the meta package planetccrma-apps does not
install an ardour RPM with FLAC support :( Nor does it install Audacity with
FLAC support.

Does anyone know if there is one available ? If not, is there any chance someone
could build one and make it available via the PlanetCCRMA repo ?



p.s. If you could do the same with audacity that would great also!

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