[PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia GeForce 7300 GT and RT kernel

Hector Centeno hcengar at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 19:46:45 PST 2008

Hello John,

I have a Nvidia 8600 and just reinstalled Fedora 9 and CCRMA and
installed the latest driver for Linux from the Nvidia web site. It
works fine for me (not sure if it applies to FC8, though, but it did
for me in the past). This is what I did (sorry if it's just obvious
things for you that you have already tried):

1. After everything got installed (Fedora updates and CCRMA packages)
I installed the kernel-rt-devel package.
2. Downloaded the latest Nvidia driver
3. Changed the driver to "nvidia" instead of "nv in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
4. Reboot, it will fail to show the login screen.
5. Say NO to any warnings/offerings and then login
6. Go to where the nvidia driver was downloaded and execute it. ( sh
NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.82.pkg1.run )
7. Follow the instructions (say no to download a driver for your
kernel and say yes to configure the xorg.conf file)
8. Reboot and done.

If you have tried this procedure already, what did fail? Any error messages?



On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 8:54 PM, JOHN LYON <jalyon at shaw.ca> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've been a PlanetCCRMA user for many years, but got busy with other things
> and unsubscribed to this mailing list. Things were working, and I thought I
> didn't need help.   I like this distribution of audio apps very much, but I
> have a problem.  I can't get my nVidia GeForce 7300 GT video card to work
> with the real-time kernel. I've put about a week of research and effort into
> it, reading from forums all over the place, including this mailing list.
> The problem seems to have cropped up with the newer nVidia drives for
> Linux.  (177.* but going back to 103.* --- these are version numbers from
> the nVidia drivers download and archived drivers web site)
> The recent nVidia drivers work fine for the non-preemptive (standard) Fedora
> Core 8 kernels, including the most recent one.  I read that you can build
> from source nvidia RPMs from the Livna repository, but I'm not sure how that
> will help, because they aren't built for the real-time kernels either.
> Has anyone on this list had this problem and, if so, have you managed to
> find a solution?  If so, please direct me to an answer, or share one if you
> have it.
> Fernando?
> Thanking you in advance,
> John
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