[PlanetCCRMA] ZynAddSubFx problem on Fedora 7

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Tue Sep 4 05:16:02 PDT 2007

On Tuesday 04 September 2007 03:09, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-09-03 at 23:11 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
> > For the first time with a Fedora install I left Selinux as Enforcing on
> > my Fedora 7 install.
> >
> > Before installing any planetccrma stuff, I installed
> > Jack-audio-connection -kit, Qjackctl, and ZynAddsubFx. ZynAddSubFx is
> > consuming 100% CPU, and is dificult to close without a CTRL+ALT+ESC, and
> > a click on the mouse pointer of death. other music apps, Phasex, Horgand,
> > Soundtracker, Hydrogen, etc, work with no problems.

> > So I install planetccrma-core once I've got the correct URL
> > in /etc/apt/sources.list. I still have Selinux set as enforcing, and the
> > packages install ok, but there are 2 PAM files that are saved as RPM
> > new's. /etc/pam.d/system-auth  (I can't change this, as it says it's
> > automatically recreated on reboot)
> > /etc/security/limits.conf   (not sure what do here)
> Aha.... that's a conflict between what Fedora's Jack does and Planet
> CCRMA's mix of Jack and Pam. Check /etc/security/limits.conf and change
> it to match the .rpmnew - what you will find is that the realtime
> priority allowed currently is too low (20 if memory serves me), you need
> a higher one for the realtime kernel.

Ok. done that, and now realtime works ok as user.
> I don't see that in my fc7 machine... what cpu are you running on?

CPU is Intel Celeron (TM) 1.3GHz 

It's strange that I have no Problems with Zyn's GUI locking up with the other 
distros that run on this machine.  If I minimise it, the CPU cycles return to 
normal. If it's not minimised, and I click on the banks box, the banks window 
takes ages to open, and if I select a patch, and close the banks window, the 
patch doesn't appear on Zyn, but if I open the banks window, then minimise 
Zyn, The patch I select is added to Zyn. If play a key on the midi keyboard, 
the note plays immediately, but the blue bar at the bottom of Zyn doesn't 
show for at least 1 second.

It's only the main window that is very slow, and hogging the CPU, as I can 
click on the "Edit Instrument" box, then minimise Zyn's main one, and there 
are no problem with opening up any of the synth windows.

fftw is 3.1.2-3.fc6,  fltk is 1.18-0.3.r5750.fc7, and mxml is 2.2.2-7.fc6

Desktop is KDE, as on the other distros.

Nothing to do with Lash is it? I don't why Lash is a dep now, but when it was 
installed it did not create "lash   14541/tcp  # LASH client/server protocol" 
in /etc/services, whereas looking on FC5, the line is there.

Sorry for the ramble. I'm clutching at straws.

> -- Fernando

Any suggestions welcome.


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