[PlanetCCRMA] ZynAddSubFx problem on Fedora 7

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Sep 4 11:52:03 PDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 14:14 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 September 2007 03:09, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-09-03 at 23:11 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
> > > For the first time with a Fedora install I left Selinux as Enforcing on
> > > my Fedora 7 install.
> > >
> > > Before installing any planetccrma stuff, I installed
> > > Jack-audio-connection -kit, Qjackctl, and ZynAddsubFx. ZynAddSubFx is
> > > consuming 100% CPU, and is dificult to close without a CTRL+ALT+ESC, and
> > > a click on the mouse pointer of death. other music apps, Phasex, Horgand,
> > > Soundtracker, Hydrogen, etc, work with no problems.
> > I don't see that in my fc7 machine... what cpu are you running on?
> CPU is Intel Celeron (TM) 1.3GHz 
> It's strange that I have no Problems with Zyn's GUI locking up with the other 
> distros that run on this machine.  If I minimise it, the CPU cycles return to 
> normal. If it's not minimised, and I click on the banks box, the banks window 
> takes ages to open, and if I select a patch, and close the banks window, the 
> patch doesn't appear on Zyn, but if I open the banks window, then minimise 
> Zyn, The patch I select is added to Zyn. If play a key on the midi keyboard, 
> the note plays immediately, but the blue bar at the bottom of Zyn doesn't 
> show for at least 1 second.
> It's only the main window that is very slow, and hogging the CPU, as I can 
> click on the "Edit Instrument" box, then minimise Zyn's main one, and there 
> are no problem with opening up any of the synth windows.

I don't see any changes between minimizing the window or not, the load
is constant in my case. 

> fftw is 3.1.2-3.fc6,  fltk is 1.18-0.3.r5750.fc7, and mxml is 2.2.2-7.fc6

Same versions here. 

> Desktop is KDE, as on the other distros.

I'm using gnome...

> Nothing to do with Lash is it? I don't why Lash is a dep now, but when it was 
> installed it did not create "lash   14541/tcp  # LASH client/server protocol" 
> in /etc/services, whereas looking on FC5, the line is there.

Hmmm, you most probably added it, I don't think I ever had anything that
added it to /etc/services (I think that when I was maintaining lash I
had a patch that made it unnecessary to have the service defined
in /etc/services but I'm not 100% sure)

> Sorry for the ramble. I'm clutching at straws.

Not sure where to go from here. Other than you trying to do a local
rebuild from the source package to see if there may be some sort of
library compatibility issue. 

Another experiment you could do is to remove the zyn preferences and
start from scratch just in case there's something there that's confusing

What video card and driver are you using?
-- Fernando

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