[PlanetCCRMA] ZynAddSubFx problem on Fedora 7

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Sep 3 18:10:07 PDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-09-03 at 23:11 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
> For the first time with a Fedora install I left Selinux as Enforcing on my 
> Fedora 7 install.
> Before installing any planetccrma stuff, I installed Jack-audio-connection 
> -kit, Qjackctl, and ZynAddsubFx. ZynAddSubFx is consuming 100% CPU, and is 
> dificult to close without a CTRL+ALT+ESC, and a click on the mouse pointer of 
> death. other music apps, Phasex, Horgand, Soundtracker, Hydrogen, etc, work 
> with no problems.
> When I start Qjackctl, and jack, it's messages show loads of xruns, and 
> nothing else is running. All a bit strange, as on FC5 I start Zyn and there 
> are zero xruns, but I have the planetccrma kernel installed, and packages 
> that come with it from planetccrma-core. 
> So I install planetccrma-core once I've got the correct URL 
> in /etc/apt/sources.list. I still have Selinux set as enforcing, and the 
> packages install ok, but there are 2 PAM files that are saved as RPM new's.
> /etc/pam.d/system-auth  (I can't change this, as it says it's automatically 
> recreated on reboot)
> /etc/security/limits.conf   (not sure what do here)

Aha.... that's a conflict between what Fedora's Jack does and Planet
CCRMA's mix of Jack and Pam. Check /etc/security/limits.conf and change
it to match the .rpmnew - what you will find is that the realtime
priority allowed currently is too low (20 if memory serves me), you need
a higher one for the realtime kernel. 

> I open Qjackctl, and start Jack, but realtime won't play ball. 
> Anyway. I su to root on the CLI, and start Qjackctl, and start Jack, open 
> another CLI, and start ZynAddSubFx. Now Jack is running in realtime, but 
> still ZynAddSubFx is consuming CPU cycles, and I have problems shutting it 
> down.

I don't see that in my fc7 machine... what cpu are you running on?

> Interestingly if I SSH into Fedora 7 from my other machine, having started 
> Jackd on the F7 machine, and then start ZynAddSubFx from the CLI on the FC2 
> machine, it works ok, apart from all the xruns.
> I can't say I'm too impressed with Fedora 7, but any suggestions how to 
> resolve the problem will as always be very welcome.
> Thanks for your help Fernando in initially getting the sounds working on FC1. 
> Things have moved on a bit, but I appreciate the help you gave.

-- Fernando

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