[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [PlanetCCRMANews] updated: ardour2, chuck; added: audicle

GREGORY C.W. MUNYARD gmunyard at iinet.net.au
Thu Oct 4 09:44:01 PDT 2007


Thanks for the updates.  I've been using Hydrogen for some rhythm
patterns and I imported them into Ardour 2 a few days ago.  Ardour 2
converted the patterns to wav files and used it in the song I have
recorded in Ardour.  Having downloaded your updates, and having
reconstructed the hydrogen rhythm patterns, now Ardour 2 will not take
the new *.h2song files from Hydrogen and convert them for use in the
Ardour recording when I "add existing audio".  Any suggestions?


Greg Munyard
Western Australia
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