[PlanetCCRMANews] A bit OT: trying to install fc7 from hard drive - was [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 7: Planet CCRMA for i386!

DAVID PINKSTON dwpbike at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 12 22:00:02 PDT 2007

don't have the answer, but would appreciate hearing
about your results.  i will be doing the same soon,
only it will be redhat9 -> fc6, then ccrma.  i dual
boot with win98, may leave it out.

seems to me that when you install from cd, you are
doing just that.  shouldn't you choose "install from
cd"?  my pc came with no os.  i installed win98 from
cd, then redhat9 from cd.  would not work with linux

--- Cyrill <cduneau at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi there
> It may be a bit off topic, sorry...
> Im trying to install fc7 on my pc i386, which has
> already an Ubuntu on it. I've downloaded the
> .iso for fc7 and burnt the rescuecd.iso on a cd-rw,
> then i boot from it and choose "install from
> hard drive", then i select the location of the file
> (here, /home/myself/Fedora-blahblah.iso), but
> at this point i get an error message "Installation
> exited abnormally"?
> Anyone has already tried this kind of install?
> Thanks,
> cyrill 
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