A bit OT: trying to install fc7 from hard drive - was [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 7: Planet CCRMA for i386!

Christophe T christoph.t at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 12:04:02 PDT 2007


2007/6/8, Cyrill <cduneauyahoo.com>:
> Hi there
> It may be a bit off topic, sorry...
> Im trying to install fc7 on my pc i386, which has already an Ubuntu on it. I've downloaded the
> .iso for fc7 and burnt the rescuecd.iso on a cd-rw, then i boot from it and choose "install from
> hard drive", then i select the location of the file (here, /home/myself/Fedora-blahblah.iso), but
> at this point i get an error message "Installation exited abnormally"?
> Anyone has already tried this kind of install?
> Thanks,
> cyrill
Yes I have, only because of what seemed to bug in fedora 7 test4 (told
me it couldn't install from cd, I don't remember exactly the reason).
I did it several times and I have never had this kind of problem.
Christophe T

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