[PlanetCCRMA] Fitful Audio

scarl at sewanee.edu scarl at sewanee.edu
Sat Dec 8 14:49:01 PST 2007

I have PlanetCCRMA installed on an IBM ThinkPad running FC5.  I get audio
from some applications and not others, Jack-enabled or not.

 * XMMS (no jack) sounds fine.

 * Audacity (no jack) sounds fine.

 * XMMS (jack-enabled) with jack started sounds fine

 * Snd (no jack), no audio

 * Common Music generating a midi file (no jack) with playing enabled, no

So, to hear the midi file produced by Common Music, I shut those
applications down, start jack, and try the MIDI sequencer apps.

 * Rosegarden, no audio (QjackCtl shows it connected)

 * Muse, no audio

 * Seq24, no audio

My understanding is that Jack takes over the audio system and needs to be
stopped before those applications that are not jack-enabled will sound. 
However I don't understand why only XMMS seems to want to play when Jack
is running.


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