[PlanetCCRMA] metapackage exceptions

Anthony Green green@redhat.com
Sat Apr 21 03:19:02 2007

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Michael E. Smith wrote:
> 	1. I install planetccrma-apps metapackage; Bliss!
> 	2. I get the bright idea that I might want to use a VST plugin with
> ardour. OK, this is academic, as I don't have any VST plugins that I
> even want to use. Further, I'm very "pro" LADSPA. But still, I gotsta
> try it, right!?
> 	3. I remove ccrma's ardour before installing my own build and...
> 	4. Dependencies dictate removal of all planetccrma-apps.
> 	5. Crap!
> 	6. So then I don't remove ccrma's ardour and install my own build right
> over top of ccrma's wondering if I'm unclean.
> Do I worry too much? Or do I just need to make my own metapackage? Can
> anyone nudge me in the right direction?

Your own ardour build should have a higher release version than the Fedora and/or PlanetCCRMA 
release.  Then you should be able to just "upgrade" the exising one with "rpm -hUv 


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fn:Anthony Green
org:Red Hat, Inc.
tel;cell:(650) 207-7122
