[PlanetCCRMA] ardour and jack

ciccolix ciccolix@tiscalinet.it
Wed Oct 4 07:45:03 2006

DA. Forsyth ha scritto:
> last week I installed FC5 + ardour on my new computer (P4 3ghz,512mb RAM, 
> Intel chips), with a Delta 1010LT card.    I'm new to Fedora (I use 
> FreeBSD at work) and Ardour and am struggling to get jack to recognize (or 
> to do something recognizable by me) as input via the Delta.  I am using 
> qjackctl.
> the motherboard's sound card appears to be recognized ok, and the delta is 
> listed, but when I selected it, I got a jack error. 

I have a computer similar to yours and have your same audio card.

You can see a screen of qjackctl configuraton panel, point your browser to:

that is the same as run jack with this command line:

jackd -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p256 -n2 -i12 -o10

hope help
p.s. from much time I have disabled the audio on-bpoard