[PlanetCCRMA] lost in monitoring world
DA. Forsyth
steampipe at iwr.ru.ac.za
Mon Nov 13 00:22:05 PST 2006
On 12 Nov 2006 at 8:35, Jan Depner is alleged to have scribbled:
Hi Jan
> I'm running envy24control version 0.5.0 (Fedora Core 4/Planet). My
seems my memory is broken (-: I checked last night and it is 0.6.0 as I
have FC5
> Editor->Misc. I set envy24control up as follows:
ok, I didn't know about that setting in Ardour, I'll check it.
do you set up envy before or after starting Ardour?
> Monitor Mixer tab:
> PCM Out 1: unmute left and right, left gain slider at 0 right at 96
> PCM Out 2: unmute left and right, left gain slider at 96 right at 0
> PCM Out 3-8: both sides muted, left and right sliders at 0
> H/W In 1-8: left and right unmuted, left and right sliders at 0
> S/PDIF In L: left and right unmuted, left slider at 0, right at 96
> S/PDIF In R: left and right unmuted, left slider at 96, right at 0
ok, I'll try that at lunch today...!
I don't have any SPDIF devices
> Patchbay/Router:
> H/W Out 1 (L): Digital Mix L selected
> H/W Out 2 (R): Digital Mix R selected
> H/W Out 3-8 (L/R): PCM Out selected
I did try various settings last night after recording the violin parts
without monitors. I just didn't get any sound when the digital mix was
> Hardware Settings:
> Master Clock: Int 44100 selected (if you do a lot of effects you may
> want to use a higher setting but this way I don't have to dither the
> recordings when I go to CD)
I'm using 48000. The artist wanted 96000, but my computers gets xruns at
4800, and will stop recording at 96000 with 'jack thought ardour was too
slow' type messages. I did some 'export to CD' with dithering and it
sounds just fine to me (-:
> Rate State: nothing selected
what is the rate state? I see mine is set to something like 48, but I
don't know what it is.
> Volume Change: Rate set to 0
again, what is this?
> Profiles:
> Blank
> I have connected PCM out 1 and 2 to my headphone amplifier inputs. My
> monitors and multiple sets of headphones are connected to the headphone
> amp. I can recommend the Behringer HA4700 headphone amp - the thing is
> a brick and you get 8 headphone outs with 4 controls.
I have my amp connected there, and the headfones plug into that. I'll get
a headfone amp next year, for now, I've spent all that I had, plus
more.... which is one reason why the problems are so frustrating.
> > I never ever get mute buttons etc on the hardware mixer page.
> > I never get any output indicated in the mixer main output bars.
> If you don't see the above buttons we can trade png files of the
> app off-list to see what you and I have that is different.
last night I got them! I reset the CMOS, rebooted, and fiddled here and
there trying to get the audio card onto IRQ10 (well, anything lower than
the 18 thsat it seems to end up with all the time), and when I later
started envy24, there were the buttons! now with your help I'll be able
to set them up correctly at last. (recording bass parts tonight!)
> > I really need a step by step with pictures type of howto on this.
> See above ;-)
thanks man, I really appreciate it.
> > if I can get at least going in the right direction, I'll dot he howto
> > myself for others to enjoy. but I gotta get there first..... and the band
> > arrives in half an hour to record without monitoring....
I will do this. figured out how to do screen captures, and got my modem
working too. AND got rid of that dark colour set and customized the
'classic' settings to suite my vision.
> > and no, I still havn't got rid of the xruns galore, but then I havn't been
> > able to shift the card offf of IRQ18. setting CMOS to force it to
> > soemthing else on that slot makes no difference. I tried increasing the
> > PCI timers with little change.
if anyone has (more) suggestions for fixing this I'd be happy. it seems
to me that even though the BIOS knows that I want it to use IRQ10 (I can
set it in CMOS, and it tells me that there is a multimedia device in that
slot, and a USB hub), when Fedora starts it runs an ACPI setup service
which changes everything. is there a way I can tell ACPI what to do?
the BIS appears to be quite limited for example I cannot find a latency
setting there, which I have seen in other bioses.
would you like to see dmesg output? /var/log/messages?
should I try disabling hyperthreading and running the nonsmp kernel?
I'm starting to think that adding another stick of DDR2 RAM might help,
since with only one stick it is not running in double data rate mode, says
so during boot. or maybe a second harddrive? the only spare I've got is
IDE and surely that is a waste of time since SATA is faster?
HOWEVER, when tracking violin yesterday I got many xruns, even though I
was recording one track and playing back one other. I could hear glitches
in the played back guitar track! at least the violinist didn't complain.
what will happen when I track 4 channels for drums?!
David http://iwr.ru.ac.za/~iwdf/
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