[PlanetCCRMA] lost in monitoring world

DA. Forsyth steampipe at iwr.ru.ac.za
Mon Nov 13 04:49:01 PST 2006

On 12 Nov 2006 at 8:35, Jan Depner is alleged to have scribbled:

it works it works

thanks very much Jan

seems the things I missed were:

1 - setting the PCMouts to get the sound back from Ardour
2 - setting ardour to use hardware monitoring
3 - I had set Qjackctrl to 'use hardware monitoring' but doing that will 	
reset settings in envy24 that you don't want reset.  leave it off and let 
envy24 do it.

thanks again.  soon as I have time I'll work up a howto for the manual.

David                       http://iwr.ru.ac.za/~iwdf/
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