[PlanetCCRMA] lost in monitoring world

Jan Depner eviltwin69 at cableone.net
Sun Nov 12 06:54:02 PST 2006

On Sun, 2006-11-12 at 13:03 +0200, DA. Forsyth wrote:
> I'm lost
> Delta 1010LT  Fedora Core 5 +planetccrma stuff galore.
> how the hell do you get it to hardware monitor?
> all the docs I can find on the web refer to things to click on the 
> envy24control that I'm simply not seeing.  what is the current version 
> supposed to be?  I think mine claimed it was 0.8x.x

    I'm running envy24control version 0.5.0 (Fedora Core 4/Planet).  My
sound system is a DSP2000 C-Port (ice1712) with 8 analog and 2 digital
I/Os.  Hardware monitoring is selected in Ardour under Windows->Options
Editor->Misc.  I set envy24control up as follows:

Monitor Mixer tab:

    PCM Out 1: unmute left and right, left gain slider at 0 right at 96
    PCM Out 2: unmute left and right, left gain slider at 96 right at 0
    PCM Out 3-8: both sides muted, left and right sliders at 0
    H/W In 1-8: left and right unmuted, left and right sliders at 0
    S/PDIF In L: left and right unmuted, left slider at 0, right at 96
    S/PDIF In R: left and right unmuted, left slider at 96, right at 0


    H/W Out 1 (L): Digital Mix L selected
    H/W Out 2 (R): Digital Mix R selected
    H/W Out 3-8 (L/R): PCM Out selected

Hardware Settings:

    Master Clock: Int 44100 selected (if you do a lot of effects you may
want to use a higher setting but this way I don't have to dither the
recordings when I go to CD)
    Rate State: nothing selected
    Volume Change: Rate set to 0
    S/PDIF Output Settings: Professional selected
    Data Mode: Non-audio selected
    Stream: Stereophonic selected
    Emphasis: No emphasis



I have connected PCM out 1 and 2 to my headphone amplifier inputs.  My
monitors and multiple sets of headphones are connected to the headphone
amp.  I can recommend the Behringer HA4700 headphone amp - the thing is
a brick and you get 8 headphone outs with 4 controls.

> I never ever get mute buttons etc on the hardware mixer page.
> I never get any output indicated in the mixer main output bars.

     If you don't see the above buttons we can trade png files of the
app off-list to see what you and I have that is different.

> I really need a step by step with pictures type of howto on this.

    See above ;-)

> please.... I cannot be alone in struggling to figure this out, in fact I 
> know I'm not because this has been discussed on this list before.
> however, I'm not seeing the things to click on that are mentioned.
> if I can get at least going in the right direction, I'll dot he howto 
> myself for others to enjoy.  but I gotta get there first..... and the band 
> arrives in half an hour to record without monitoring....
> and no, I still havn't got rid of the xruns galore, but then I havn't been 
> able to shift the card offf of IRQ18.  setting CMOS to force it to 
> soemthing else on that slot makes no difference.  I tried increasing the 
> PCI timers with little change.

> oh well, I'll go eat lunch and see......

Jan 'Evil Twin' Depner

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of 
arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to 
skid in sideways, chardonnay in one hand, chocolate in the other, body 
thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming 'WOO HOO, what a ride'"

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