[PlanetCCRMA] lost in monitoring world

DA. Forsyth steampipe at iwr.ru.ac.za
Sun Nov 12 03:05:01 PST 2006

I'm lost

Delta 1010LT  Fedora Core 5 +planetccrma stuff galore.

how the hell do you get it to hardware monitor?

all the docs I can find on the web refer to things to click on the 
envy24control that I'm simply not seeing.  what is the current version 
supposed to be?  I think mine claimed it was 0.8x.x

I never ever get mute buttons etc on the hardware mixer page.
I never get any output indicated in the mixer main output bars.

I really need a step by step with pictures type of howto on this.

please.... I cannot be alone in struggling to figure this out, in fact I 
know I'm not because this has been discussed on this list before.
however, I'm not seeing the things to click on that are mentioned.

if I can get at least going in the right direction, I'll dot he howto 
myself for others to enjoy.  but I gotta get there first..... and the band 
arrives in half an hour to record without monitoring....

and no, I still havn't got rid of the xruns galore, but then I havn't been 
able to shift the card offf of IRQ18.  setting CMOS to force it to 
soemthing else on that slot makes no difference.  I tried increasing the 
PCI timers with little change.

oh well, I'll go eat lunch and see......

David                       http://iwr.ru.ac.za/~iwdf/
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