[PlanetCCRMA] FC5 PlanetCCRMA and x86-64 Cpus

Jan Depner eviltwin69 at cableone.net
Sun May 7 11:59:01 PDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-05-07 at 10:34 -0700, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-05-07 at 10:08 +0200, Michele Spinolo wrote:
> > >> Now the question is: can I install FC5 x86-64 version and then install on
> > >> the top of it PlanetCCRMA packages (which I suppose will be i386-i686
> > >> versions)?
> > 
> > > Not yet because I have not built kernel packages for x86_64. I do intend
> > > to do that (ie: have an x86_64 version). 
> >
> > Great!
> > I'm going to install FC5 x86-64 then!:)
> I _intend_ to... it's not gonna be ready by tomorrow :-)
> -- Fernando

    Any idea when you will be starting on this?  I've got an AMD64
system but I'm running FC4 32 bit at the moment.  Since I have little or
no recording planned in the near future I wouldn't mind trying that out.
Also, do you have any information on rt patches or xruns using 64 bit

Jan 'Evil Twin' Depner
The Fuzzy Dice

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Benjamin Franklin, on declining patents offered by the governor of 
Pennsylvania for his "Pennsylvania Fireplace", c. 1744

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