[PlanetCCRMA] Jack and KDE

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Wed May 3 09:39:01 PDT 2006

On Wednesday 03 May 2006 03:29, Roy Vestal wrote:
> Thanks Nigel. I verified arts is disabled. I also tried it with TWM...no
> good. Here's what you suggested i post:
> /proc/asound/cards:
> 0 [S16            ]: SB16 - Sound Blaster 16
>                      Sound Blaster 16 at 0x220, irq 5, dma 1&5
> /proc/asound/version:
> Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.9rc1.
> Compiled on Mar 22 2005 for kernel 2.6.10-2.1.ll.rhfc3.ccrma.
> lsmod:
> Module                  Size  Used by
> mga                   125444  2
> realtime                5128  0
> commoncap               8064  1 realtime
> parport_pc             29380  0
> lp                     12780  0
> parport                42440  2 parport_pc,lp
> autofs4                28932  0
> sunrpc                186724  1
> ipt_REJECT              7168  1
> ipt_state               1792  1
> ip_conntrack           45748  1 ipt_state
> iptable_filter          3584  1
> ip_tables              18944  3 ipt_REJECT,ipt_state,iptable_filter
> dm_mod                 64148  0
> video                  15620  0
> button                  6416  0
> battery                 9220  0
> ac                      4740  0
> md5                     4096  1
> ipv6                  284864  8
> uhci_hcd               36368  0
> i2c_viapro              7436  0
> i2c_core               23040  1 i2c_viapro
> ns558                   5504  0
> gameport                5120  1 ns558
> snd_sb16               13544  0
> snd_opl3_lib           14464  1 snd_sb16
> snd_sb16_dsp           19072  1 snd_sb16
> snd_pcm_oss            65312  0
> snd_mixer_oss          21760  1 snd_pcm_oss
> snd_pcm               124296  2 snd_sb16_dsp,snd_pcm_oss
> snd_timer              38276  2 snd_opl3_lib,snd_pcm
> snd_page_alloc         10884  1 snd_pcm
> snd_sb16_csp           28160  1 snd_sb16
> snd_sb_common          22272  3 snd_sb16,snd_sb16_dsp,snd_sb16_csp
> snd_hwdep              10912  2 snd_opl3_lib,snd_sb16_csp
> snd_mpu401_uart        11136  1 snd_sb16
> snd_rawmidi            33696  1 snd_mpu401_uart
> snd_seq_device          9740  2 snd_opl3_lib,snd_rawmidi
> snd                    76164  13
> snd_sb16,snd_opl3_lib,snd_sb16_dsp,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_ti
>_device soundcore              11360  1 snd
> e100                   50816  0
> mii                     5120  1 e100
> floppy                 66992  0
> ext3                  135560  2
> jbd                    92184  1 ext3
> lspci:
> This is an older SB16 PnP ISA card. I gotta feeling the problem is the card
> No modems nor such
> Here's the exact error when I run qjackctl:
> JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
> loading driver ..
> creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
> control device hw:0
> configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames, buffer = 2 periods
> Couldn't open hw:0 for 32bit samples trying 24bit instead
> Couldn't open hw:0 for 24bit samples trying 16bit instead
> Sorry. The audio interface "hw:0" doesn't support any of the hardware
> sample formats that JACK's alsa-driver can use.
> ALSA: cannot configure capture channel
> cannot load driver module alsa
> no message buffer overruns
> Again, many thanks. And if it's the hardware, I'll just have to break
> the bank and buy a Delta

Hi Roy. Right, OK, are you ready, well lets go.  I have an SB16, dated 1993, 
that came out of the machine thats running my Smoothwall firewall. I've been 
into the Gateway 500 that has the Ensoniq card, removed it, and installed the 
SB16 in the only ISA slot on the machine. Booted up using the same kernel as 
you, removed the config for the Ensoniq card, and the old modem card that was 
in the way for the ISA cards backplate which is on the other side of the 
card. Next ran /usr/sbin/alsaconf, which obviously could not find PCI cards, 
so tried for ISA legacy cards, and selected SB16. Then alsaconf asked if I 
wanted to try for all irq/dma options, so I went for that, and it took a 
while, but came up with card found. Do you want to update /etc/modprobe.conf? 
Obviously yes. Now you play stuff with your soundcard. Famous last words, as 
I still had a big red X in the volume control on the panel. Anyway. Theres 
hardly any music apps on this install, so I installed Alsaplayer, borrowed 
a .ogg file from the other machine, and amazingly Alsaplayer played it. I 
must say that my lsmod has more stuff on it than yours, and have put it at 
the end of this post. Have a drink now, as this goes on a bit.lol.

Now for Jack. Start Qjackctl, and start jack with it's settings that worked 
with the Ensoniq card. No joy here, with the same message output that you 
got. So now I go back into Qjackctl's settings for Jack. Server path should 
be jackd for 2.6 kernels. Thats ok. Driver? Right I change the driver to oss. 
Try to start Jack again, and Bingo! it works, using an oss driver 
through /dev/dsp. Tried to play Alsaplayer at the same time, but as Fernando 
has already said, these older cards do not support multiple streams, so it 
didn't work, but as soon as I stopped Jack, Alsaplayer that seemed to have 
been waiting to use the card, started up and played the .ogg.

Ok, it works, Alsa is better. I change the driver back to Alsa, then on the 
right of the settings under "Audio" , I change that from "Duplex" to 
"Playback Only", as the message I got was complaining about capture not being 
available. Try to start Jack again, with driver as Alsa, and Audio as 
playback only, and Jack starts ok. Tried ZynAddSubFx connected to the output 
side, and it played ok.

If this doesn't work for you, it may be worth running Alsaconf again, going 
the same way as I did. Its worth trying.

[djmons at localhost ~]$ cat /proc/asound/cards
0 [S16            ]: SB16 - Sound Blaster 16
                     Sound Blaster 16 at 0x220, irq 5, dma 1&5
[djmons at localhost ~]$ cat /proc/asound/version
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.9rc1.
Compiled on Mar 22 2005 for kernel 2.6.10-2.1.ll.rhfc3.ccrma.
[djmons at localhost ~]$ /sbin/lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
snd_opl3_synth         20356  0
snd_seq_instr          14848  1 snd_opl3_synth
snd_seq_midi_emul       8064  1 snd_opl3_synth
snd_ainstr_fm           2816  1 snd_opl3_synth
snd_seq                76816  3 snd_opl3_synth,snd_seq_instr,snd_seq_midi_emul
snd_sb16               13544  0
snd_opl3_lib           14464  2 snd_opl3_synth,snd_sb16
snd_sb16_dsp           19072  1 snd_sb16
snd_sb16_csp           28160  1 snd_sb16
snd_sb_common          22272  3 snd_sb16,snd_sb16_dsp,snd_sb16_csp
snd_hwdep              10912  2 snd_opl3_lib,snd_sb16_csp
snd_mpu401_uart        11136  1 snd_sb16
snd_rawmidi            33696  1 snd_mpu401_uart
snd_seq_device          9740  4 
snd_es1688_lib         21904  0
snd_cs4236_lib         23808  0
snd_cs4231_lib         41728  1 snd_cs4236_lib
snd_pcm_oss            65312  0
snd_mixer_oss          21760  1 snd_pcm_oss
snd_pcm               124296  5 
snd_timer              38276  4 snd_seq,snd_opl3_lib,snd_cs4231_lib,snd_pcm
snd                    76164  20 
soundcore              11360  1 snd
md5                     4096  1
ipv6                  284864  8
parport_pc             29380  1
lp                     12780  0
parport                42440  2 parport_pc,lp
autofs4                28932  0
ipt_REJECT              7168  1
ipt_state               1792  1
ip_conntrack           45748  1 ipt_state
iptable_filter          3584  1
ip_tables              18944  3 ipt_REJECT,ipt_state,iptable_filter
dm_mod                 64148  0
usblp                  13184  0
uhci_hcd               36368  0
i2c_piix4               8592  0
i2c_core               23040  1 i2c_piix4
snd_page_alloc         10884  2 snd_cs4231_lib,snd_pcm
3c59x                  41512  0
floppy                 66992  0
ext3                  135560  2
jbd                    92184  1 ext3
[djmons at localhost ~]$  

All the best. Nigel.

<big snip to save bandwidth>

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