[PlanetCCRMA] fc4 journaling

Mario Torre mppr_kris at tiscali.it
Thu Mar 2 14:17:02 PST 2006

Il giorno gio, 16/02/2006 alle 20.22 -0800, Jonathan Segel ha scritto:

> second (slightly annoying thing) is the simple fact that a log out of  
> gnome give me no option to restart or shut down, so i always have to  
> go that extra step back to terminal (i boot init 3) and sudo poweroff.


This reply took many days to find its way :)

If you boot in init 5 then gnome will let you shutdown the system (just
exit and you will be prompted for a set of options: logout, reboot and

You'll have this option also in gdm.

Other login manager should give you the same options, depending on their

About the ext3, I'm not sure, ext3 are important for data recovery (to
make it easy, data is written or not on the hard disk, so there is no
data corruption at all), but surely they are slow and "cpu
intensive" (in a way that a normal user won't even notice, but surely
they can affect audio editing).

There are experts in this list more than I am, so they can give you a
better advice, but I would leave the ext3 for all system and user
partitions (I tend to have at least /boot, /, /var, /home, but you may
have a simpler setup) excluding a partition only dedicated to music
works (which I recommend to backup often).

Hope that helps,

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