[PlanetCCRMA] fc4 journaling
Benjamin Hardy
drycellbattery at yahoo.ca
Thu Mar 2 18:21:03 PST 2006
ext3 should be fine and probably has better
performance for handling larger files than another
filesystem like rieserfs and more stable than xfs. I
think some ways to get better performance from the
hard drive is to try using hdparm, I believe Fernando
still has some instructions on the website of what
options you should use. I don't think it's always
necessary to use hdparm and you could harm your
hardware if it's used incorrectly. My hard drive uses
'-c 3' '-d 1' '-m 16' 'A 1' and hdparm -t outputs:
Timing buffered disk reads: 164 MB in 3.01 seconds
= 54.51 MB/sec
I don't know if that's good. I have a 200 GB Western
Digital drive.
the noatime option added to your mounts in /etc/fstab
could help performance, here's some info
don't worry about all that info on /chroot that's
besides the point.
--- Mario Torre <mppr_kris at tiscali.it> wrote:
> Il giorno gio, 16/02/2006 alle 20.22 -0800, Jonathan
> Segel ha scritto:
> > second (slightly annoying thing) is the simple
> fact that a log out of
> > gnome give me no option to restart or shut down,
> so i always have to
> > go that extra step back to terminal (i boot init
> 3) and sudo poweroff.
> Hi!
> This reply took many days to find its way :)
> If you boot in init 5 then gnome will let you
> shutdown the system (just
> exit and you will be prompted for a set of options:
> logout, reboot and
> shutdown).
> You'll have this option also in gdm.
> Other login manager should give you the same
> options, depending on their
> configuration.
> About the ext3, I'm not sure, ext3 are important for
> data recovery (to
> make it easy, data is written or not on the hard
> disk, so there is no
> data corruption at all), but surely they are slow
> and "cpu
> intensive" (in a way that a normal user won't even
> notice, but surely
> they can affect audio editing).
> There are experts in this list more than I am, so
> they can give you a
> better advice, but I would leave the ext3 for all
> system and user
> partitions (I tend to have at least /boot, /, /var,
> /home, but you may
> have a simpler setup) excluding a partition only
> dedicated to music
> works (which I recommend to backup often).
> Hope that helps,
> Mario
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