[PlanetCCRMA] moving PlanetCCRMA to Fedora Extras?

Benjamin Hardy drycellbattery at yahoo.ca
Thu Mar 2 00:44:02 PST 2006

--- Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
> It's still there. 
> Whatever I contribute to extras should also make its
> way to RPMForge (in
> fact I wanted to do the RPMForge thing before Extras
> became viable). The
> advantage of RPMForge is that it is not restricted
> to just the last two
> releases of Fedora, it also has packages for, for
> example, RedHat
> Enterprise Linux or its clones, and it could even
> have packages for
> other rpm based distros...
> -- Fernando

I think the Extras merge is a relatively good idea,
but I think just spreading the responsibilities to
other maintainers in the Planet CCRMA while keep
strict guidelines and checks for quality rpms (made
the way mother nature intended, not fast but slowly
cooked and seaso...ahem).

I think Documentation updates, tutorials and articles
would be good to. Perhaps a wiki? It would also help
CCRMA packagers and users know what packages are being
maintained and which need someone to volunteer. It's
better than scouring the mailing list archives. As far
as articles, tutorials, how to's, maybe contributing
to linuxmusician.com? There doesn't seem to be too
much activity there. It would be nice to
semi-centralize / pool together some docs to help
users familiarize themselves with the many music apps
available. Anyways, off topic.

Back to rpm building, for those that want to help:
I've done it a few times but so sparsly that I forget
how to do it each time. So I found some websites that
might help, I haven't read most them in great detail
yet. Check em out:

a tip mentioned a few times is to use a user account
preferably not your normal account, and not as


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