[PlanetCCRMA] jackd and two Delta1010 cards

Peter baumgartner peter at bssmusic.de
Tue Jul 4 00:07:06 PDT 2006

Bob Wilkinson schrieb:
> Hopefully someone can help me on this.  I have installed Planet CCRMA from an FC4 installation.  I am using two Delta1010 sound devices, and am trying to get them to act as one big device.
> [...]

> However, when I attempt to run JACK from a command line,
> jackd -d alsa -C multi_capture -P multi_playback
>  I get the error:
> ALSA: mmap-based access is not possible for the capture stream of this audio interface
> ALSA: cannot configure capture channel
> I have tried just starting jack for multi_playback only - same error, just replaced with "playback".
> Unfortunately, I'm a complete newbie, and now have less than a week before my company expects this thing to be up and running flawlessly.
> Can anybody help?  What am I missing?
> Thanks in advance!
> Bob Wilkinson
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Hello Bob,
IMHO it´s not a question of syncronization, but a general problem with 
Delta cards.
When I tried to "expand" my Hammerfall ( + DM24) for 8 additional 
(analog) recording channels with a Delta 1010, I never managed to get 
both cards running, i.e. either the 9652 OR the 1010 was responding, 
while two Hammerfalls were never a problem, except of the fact, that 48 
audio streams may "overload" the pci bus ;-))
 From my experience I would argue that it is a matter of interrupts, I 
had to try several combinations of slots to get ONE card running, but I 
am not sure. Maybe Fernando can tell You more.


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