[PlanetCCRMA] Hardware for a Laptop

plutek plutek at infinity.net
Fri Feb 10 14:04:02 PST 2006

Benjamin Hardy wrote:

> In my recording school they recommend a firewire drive, as it's 
> supposodly more stable than Usb 2.0. The speed differences are very 
> little. I picked up a Maxtor 250GB 7200rpm 16MB cache internal drive 
> with a Vantec NexStar enclosure that is both usb and firewire 
> equipped. It cost me about $154 Canadian. It connected fine to my 
> CCRMA setup and I made several fat32 partitions, though I didn't do it 
> properly :P I had a heck of a time to get Windows XP to recognize my 
> partitions, although I'm sure I formatted the partition as fat32 some 
> partitioning apps thought the partitions were ext2. It was a pain but 
> I got my data with some ext2 software for windows.
> As far as the pcmcia interface, the only one I know that works is 
> http://www.core-sound.com/pdaudio-cf/1.php
my laptop has only fw400; i use usb2 lacie drives all the time, and can 
push 18channels @ 32bit/44.1kHz. i always use xfs on those external 
audio drives, since it has better performance with large file sizes.

the rme multiface connects to the laptop via a proprietary pcmcia card. 
it is an excellent unit, but perhaps overkill for your situation.


> 7lb9oz Productions wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have recently aquired a laptop which I am currently running ardour 
>> on.  I have a pressing need to add some hardware, but I wanted to get 
>> some advice before I do.
>> The laptop is a Toshiba Satellite M45 and will be needing both an 
>> external HD as well as a much better audio interface to record with.  
>> I am thinking to use the Cardbus for the audio interface and either 
>> USB 2.0 or Firewire for the HD.
>> Any suggestions first as to a PCMCIA audio card that will be well 
>> supported by linux?  My desktop has a Delta 1010, so I suppose that 
>> the ammount of in/out ports is not as important on the laptop, its 
>> more for just a mobile editing settup.  I would be ok with a simple 
>> stereo settup, 4 channels would be better...I just dont want to buy a 
>> card that is just ADAT and wont work without external gear.
>> Second, as far as the HD goes, is Firewire or USB 2.0 preferred?  I 
>> seem to remember hearing that USB is fas! ter now, but I dont recall 
>> for certain.  Any advice here?
>> Thanks in advance to all,
>> SMH
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