[PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic - Help!

Andrew Longland-Meech schmoo at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Aug 10 10:18:01 PDT 2006


Good luck with this - let us know how it goes. Sympathy with the
gardening - I'm in the middle of Edwardian house restoration at the
moment and need to get sash windows reglazed, repainted and rehung
before the weather turns!


> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 15:43:37 -0700
> From: Tracey Hytry <shakti at bayarea.net>
> To: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Kernel Panic - Help!
> Organization: Aurinia
> Andrew,
> I get have the same problem when trying to run any of the fedora 2.6.17.x
> kernels on a machine that I was reassembling from parts.  It works just 
> fine in with the 2.6.16 kernels(both FC and CCRMA).  I too couldn't get a
> log of what is happening, the only info ends up scrolling off of the 
> screen.  This seems to all happen with just one machine and a particular
> hardware setup that I need to change around a bit anyway.
> I'm hoping to get some time in the near future to try to debug the problem,
> maybe get some serious kernel panic output out of it and maybe even find 
> if it's a harware-kernel problem?  If I can get around to it and maybe even
> fix it I'll post my findings here.  I'm sorry that it won't be as soon as 
> needed, but my life is caught in some realtime nature stuff such as taking 
> care of the garden which is getting out of hand again.
> Tracey.

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