[PlanetCCRMA] Problem installing ccrma fedora 4

Rainer Sus rainer.sus at web.de
Fri Oct 21 10:56:00 PDT 2005

I tried to install the fine thing called planetccrma fedora 4 on my machine (AMD).
I run into trouble at the point where  the packages should be installed on my disk. 
There is an error message:
"an error occured unmounting the CD. Please make sure you're not accessing /mn/source from the shell on tty2 an then klick ok to retry."
Unfortunately I could do nothing to make the install process going on.
I tried a mediacheck an the Test passed, so the media seems to be ok.
Has anybody an idea whats going on? (or maybe the same problem?)

PS: I installed Fedora 4 without any problems on the same machine and it works fine.

Well, every hint will be appreciated.

Greetings and thanks

Rainer Sus
Gießen (Germany)
XXL-Speicher, PC-Virenschutz, Spartarife & mehr: Nur im WEB.DE Club!		
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