[PlanetCCRMA] Playing DVDs on FC4

Benjamin Hardy drycellbattery at yahoo.ca
Fri Oct 14 01:00:02 PDT 2005

I've had trouble getting dvds to play properly in Totem as well. By
default Totem is built using the gstreamer engine, in which case you
have to install the gstreamer-video and -dvd packages. Although the dvd
plugin can play dvds adequately now, it still can't access other
chapters, so I usually can't get passed the fbi warning (yay). A
not-so-grand solution is to mount the dvd in nautilus and open the .vob
files in totem, I suppose putting the vob file in order in totem's
playlist isn't too bad, but it's more hassle than it should be. I think
you could grab a totem src.rpm, or compile it with xine engine. I
haven't tried those yet so I don't know how much of a pain in the arse
it's going to be. You could just use gxine, xine, or kaffiene for the
time being as well. I'm also disappointed that the gstreamer ptdll
plugin to play .avi's and the like doesn't work too well either. I know
livna has a totem-xine rpm, but it may not work well, beware of livna

On Thu, 2005-13-10 at 03:39 +0800, Robert Jonkman wrote:
> Totem doesn't seem to be able to play DVDs--for what I could find it's a
> problem with xine-lib or gstream.  Has anyone found a solution for
> playing DVDs?  I couldn't seem to get VLC working either--I even tried
> the Windows version.
> BTW, thank for the aqualung recommendation.  Works pretty good.
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Yours emaily,
Benjamin Hardy:::..

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