[PlanetCCRMA] Most stable CCRMA with all audio video apps

Jamie Bullock jamie at postlude.co.uk
Sat Oct 8 03:00:02 PDT 2005


I have Gem v.0.9 working perfectly on my FC3/PlanetCCRMA-2.6.10 box.
Have you tried a different graphics driver? If you still can't compile,
I would suggest asking the PD mailing list for help, rather than
changing distros, as the latter could just pose a different set of



On Sat, 2005-10-08 at 01:11 +0100, Spec wrote:
> Hello again all!
> Further to last post re: my FC3 CCRMA where Gem seems to lock up all 
> linux and keyboard (cant even get virtual console), I was messing with 
> compiling and it seems that some of the libraries have made major chages 
> (libdv no longer has a dv1394.h header for example) where the 
> application sources are expecting different compilers and library 
> versions etc.  No matter what I tried Gem still locks linux on 
> destroying a graphics window after some examples most notably the gem 
> 08.model.pd example in the 01. basic directory which always locks it!  
> (but could that be nvidia driver?  glxgears seems working much faster so 
> I'm guessing the driver is working)
> Could anyone say which is the best fedora core to use or should I go all 
> the way back to RH9, I want to use PD and gem, and cinelerra (that sort 
> of compiles and almost works....) in fact the full set of CCRMA packages 
> and the nvidia drivers (which one is stable?) for dual head tv out and 
> 3d accel.
> Any comments appreciated!
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