[PlanetCCRMA] Package rebuilding + CPU optimizations

Luis Garrido garrido_luis at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 7 07:02:00 PDT 2005

Hi all!

I was wondering if recompilation of alsa-modules, jackd and CPU intensive 
applications (fluidsynth, linuxsampler, ladspa's, dssi's, zynaddsub...) 
might benefit of CPU optimizations and thus improve performance. In order to 
preserve the integrity of the package management system, what would be the 
better procedure? I reckon that downloading the SRPMS from


and then using rpmbuild, right? Is it necessary to tweak the spec file to 
include the CPU optimizations?

Did anyone already try this and can report whether the results are or not 
worth the pain?



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