[PlanetCCRMA] Package rebuilding + CPU optimizations

Rick B zajelo3 at cfl.rr.com
Fri Oct 7 13:21:01 PDT 2005

Luis Garrido wrote:

> Hi all!
> I was wondering if recompilation of alsa-modules, jackd and CPU 
> intensive applications (fluidsynth, linuxsampler, ladspa's, dssi's, 
> zynaddsub...) might benefit of CPU optimizations and thus improve 
> performance. In order to preserve the integrity of the package 
> management system, what would be the better procedure? I reckon that 
> downloading the SRPMS from
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/all/linux/SRPMS/
> and then using rpmbuild, right? Is it necessary to tweak the spec file 
> to include the CPU optimizations?
> Did anyone already try this and can report whether the results are or 
> not worth the pain?
> Cheers,
> Luis
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Linus says that it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. I still do 
it though. Hopefully I'm not quoting the man out of context, but that's 
what I read.

                         Rick B

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