[PlanetCCRMA] no realtime with latest kernel

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 12:26:01 PST 2005

> I don't see the "realtime" kernel module, that's what enables realtime
> access for all or a group of users. There's a package that installs a
> loader so that the module loads on every boot with the proper
> parameters.
> See if you have the package installed:
>   rpm -q rtload
> If you do, see if it is active:
>   /sbin/chkconfig --list rtload
> Or check the status:
>   /etc/rc.d/init.d/rtload status
> Both rtload and rtirq (the last one reorders the priority of irqs)
> should have been installed through planetccrma-core, the latest version
> is 2005.02.15.

That appears to be it. Neither package was installed but are now. Jack
starts fine with realtime so I'll do some work and look for xruns.

BTW - Are you coming to the March 12th BA-LAU meeting up in the city?

Thanks much,

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