[PlanetCCRMA]Re: /dev/midi and pd

Kevin Ernste kevinernste at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 23:06:00 PST 2005

> I have not really tried it yet. Did you do any testing?

I was too excited after seeing the alsa-seq entry in Qjackctl, but I
did briefly run some fairly intensive patches I have lying around,
they seemed to work quite well.

In addition to alsa-seq 0.38 has some nice interface improvements
(these are some I recognized superficially): a tree/menu view of the
docs, an expanded main window with its own a console, an improved
"path' settings dialogue, an improved audio test patch, and others. 
Miller's page refers to a problem in 0.38-2 with the help pages on
Linux, but they seem to work fine here.

As always, I'm happy to be a planetedge guinea pig as needed.  I can
certainly understand the desire not to upgrade internally.  Studio
admins take a Hippocratic Oath too, right ;)


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