[PlanetCCRMA]Re: /dev/midi and pd
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Feb 10 23:00:02 PST 2005
On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 21:28, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 19:33, Kevin Ernste wrote:
> > Hi -
> >
> > Relating to the last part of Jon's initial post on this thread (the
> > posibility of alsa-seq support in PD), it seems that the alsa-seq
> > patch he mentioned sems to have made it upstream to 0.38-2.
> >
> > I downloaded the 0.38-2 tarball from Miller's page the other day,
> > built it ("./configure --enable-alsa --enable-jack --enable-setuid",
> > make) and ran it without installing and PD shows up as an ALSA-aware
> > midi device (Qjackctl sees it and allows routing to/from other MIDI
> > apps). Needless to say, this is very promising.
> Very much so. Miller was around for a lecture/concert a few weeks ago
> and I mentioned that alsa seq support would be very very nice, maybe he
> was listening :-)
Hmmm, this could be read wrong.
I'm not implying he was not listening, or that he does not listen, he
_was_ listening, I meant to say that this is probably just a
-- Fernando
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