[PlanetCCRMA] HDSP9652 muted on system start

Michele Spinolo michele.spinolo at tin.it
Sun Aug 21 06:16:01 PDT 2005

Hi Mark,

I found this suggestment on linux-audio mailing list:

hdspmixer >out 2>&1 /dev/null &

adding this line to rc.local should make the trick: during startup hdspmixer
won't be opened (X is not running...) but channels will be unmuted.

I'll give it a try!


On 8/21/05, Michele Spinolo <michele.spinolo at tin.it> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have a small (I hope:-) problem: my system is based on FC3
> PlanetCCRMA at Home and HDSP9652.
> When I start and log in all HDSP9652 channels are muted: as soon as I open
> HDSPMixer all channels are set correcly (I mean i do not have to move
> slides, etc...) and sounds comes out.

That's the way I do it.

> Does anyone know if it is possible to have all channels unmuted without
> starting HDSPMixer?

There are some commands on the HDSP page at alsa-project.org but I
don't know if they work. The developer purposely removed a lot of the
standard alsamixer commands from the HDSP driver so they may not. Look
there for at least an experiment you can run.

> Thanks!
> Michele
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