[PlanetCCRMA] general question

"Alexander Carôt" alexander_carot at gmx.net
Sun Aug 21 05:59:01 PDT 2005

Hi to all,

In terms of audio delay I've been using RtAudio with PlanetCCRMA (FC3) for
quite some time. Yesterday it was the first time that I measured the latency
and found out that it is at about 16ms (!).

I recorded the direct sound of a mic to the left channel of an external
sound recorder and to the right I recorded the captured output of RtAudio. 

In case of using 32kHz with 128 Samples/Frame I should get 4ms but it is at
least 16ms with any other configurations as well.

I suppose this must be something due to the system - do I have to especially
switch on the ll-patch in FC3 or is this something due to FIFO
scheduling,thread priority and interrupts ?

Thanks a lot in advance

-- A l e x 

Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Carôt
Email : Alexander at Carot.de
Tel.: +49 (0)177 5719797

phd-student at www.isnm.de

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