[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Curious if gridflow>PD is easy to setup on CCRMA
cubis at comcast.net
Tue Aug 16 20:18:00 PDT 2005
On 8/16/05 7:52 PM, "Andres Cabrera" <andres at geminiflux.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't remember exactly, but I have built gridflow. I don't recall any
> difficulties. (FC2 Planet CCRMA)
I'll give it a shot when I get in front of my machine.
Does it install from CVS or package? Is is possible to use Fink to install
it on OS X?
> Cheers,
> Andres
>> Hello,
>> I haven't been using my Linux box much recently, gravitating toward my OS X,
>> but I'm having a hell of a time getting gridflow running with PD on os x.
>> Is it straight forward for an amateur to set up on CCRMA, or will I be in
>> for more headaches?
>> Thanks.
>> -Dan
>> --__--__--
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 21:28:29 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: Ron Pepper <feffer777 at yahoo.com>
>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Problem with /usr/bin/jackstart
>> To: Michael Jackson <jackson at scsr.nevada.edu>, pirrone
>> <pirrone at localnet.com>,
>> planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
>> --- Michael Jackson <jackson at scsr.nevada.edu> wrote:
>>> < On 8/10/05, Ron Pepper <feffer777 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> < I was wrong about this, and finally did get sound to record under
>>> < FC3! I used the simple Gnome sound recorder, which didn't involve
>>> < using Jack. So I'm happy for now, but I can't use more complex
>>> apps
>>> < like Audacity, which I believe require Jack.
>>> You don't need to run Jack to use Audacity. In fact, I don't
>>> think Audacity works with Jack. Glad you got it working, Ron!
>> I don't absolutely need Audacity, since other recorders are working,
>> but I'm confused at not getting Audacity to work. I checked the wiki
>> page and stopped the system sounds and did the other things
>> mentioned. Audacity would run and I could import saved tracks into
>> it, but I couldn't run xmms (for the audio stream) and run Audacity
>> at the same time. It gave a connection error. My understanding is
>> that it has to run alone. That's why I tried to get Jack working. I
>> thought it was necessary to get Audacity and xmms running at the same
>> time. Was I wrong about that?
>> Thanks,
>> Ron
>> ____________________________________________________
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>> --__--__--
>> Message: 4
>> Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 21:51:06 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: Ron Pepper <feffer777 at yahoo.com>
>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Problem with /usr/bin/jackstart
>> To: Ron Pepper <feffer777 at yahoo.com>,
>> Michael Jackson <jackson at scsr.nevada.edu>, pirrone <pirrone at localnet.com>,
>> planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
>>>> You don't need to run Jack to use Audacity.
>> Specifically, when I start a stream with xmms and then launch
>> Audacity, I get the message, "There was an error initializing the
>> audio i/0 layer. You will not be able to play or record audio.
>> ERROR: Host error." As I mentioned, I followed the wiki
>> troubleshooting info for Audacity, but haven't got it working. Any
>> ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Ron
>> __________________________________________________
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>> --__--__--
>> Message: 5
>> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 07:14:10 -0700
>> From: Mark Knecht <markknecht at gmail.com>
>> To: Ron Pepper <feffer777 at yahoo.com>
>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Re: Problem with /usr/bin/jackstart
>> Cc: Michael Jackson <jackson at scsr.nevada.edu>, pirrone
>> <pirrone at localnet.com>,
>> planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
>> On 8/15/05, Ron Pepper <feffer777 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> I don't absolutely need Audacity, since other recorders are working,
>>> but I'm confused at not getting Audacity to work. I checked the wiki
>>> page and stopped the system sounds and did the other things
>>> mentioned. Audacity would run and I could import saved tracks into
>>> it, but I couldn't run xmms (for the audio stream) and run Audacity
>>> at the same time. It gave a connection error. My understanding is
>>> that it has to run alone. That's why I tried to get Jack working. I
>>> thought it was necessary to get Audacity and xmms running at the same
>>> time. Was I wrong about that?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ron
>> Ron,
>> If an application is not a 'Jack application', meaning that it was
>> written to talk to the JAck server, then it won't work with Jack.
>> 1) xmms is not a 'Jack application' so in it's normal state it will ot
>> talk to Jack. xmms does have a jack plugin that does create a jack
>> interface so if you load that plugin then xmms will work with Jack.
>> 2) Audacity was never a 'Jack application' and I've not heard of any
>> way to run it under Jack.
>> Keep in mind, if you're not running Jack then in general you can
>> use only one audio app at a time. there is on possible work around to
>> this. Write a .asoundrc file and create virtual devices that use the
>> dmix plugin. This would, in theory, allow multiple Alsa apps to access
>> the Alsa sound server at the same time without using Jack. I've not
>> succeeded myself in making this work reliably though so look for
>> someone who can help before you undertake such a task.
>> Cheers,
>> Mark
>> --__--__--
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 10:31:15 +0200 (CEST)
>> From: "Vegard Sandvold" <vegard.sandvold at notam02.no>
>> To: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
>> Reply-To: vegard.sandvold at notam02.no
>> Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] Playing sound while logged out
>> Hi,
>> maybe someone can help me solve a (I would believe) rather rare problem.
>> I have recently set up a sound installation on a FC3 with planetccrma,
>> where cron is used to schedule hourly sound playback through sndplay. The
>> system is running unsupervised, without any users logged in.
>> This creates a problem, however, because sndplay is not allowed access to
>> the sound card when the user owning the cron job is not logged on! Which
>> means no sound! Everything works fine when I'm logged on, and /dev/dsp has
>> the following permissions and ownership:
>> crw------- 1 riksarkivet root 14, 3 Aug 6 03:50 /dev/dsp
>> Any ideas why this problem occurs? And how to get around it? Just changing
>> the permissions won't work, as they are reverted when I log out.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Vegard
>> --__--__--
>> Message: 7
>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Playing sound while logged out
>> From: Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
>> To: vegard.sandvold at notam02.no
>> Cc: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
>> Organization:
>> Date: 16 Aug 2005 09:42:48 -0700
>> On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 01:31, Vegard Sandvold wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> maybe someone can help me solve a (I would believe) rather rare problem.
>>> I have recently set up a sound installation on a FC3 with planetccrma,
>>> where cron is used to schedule hourly sound playback through sndplay. The
>>> system is running unsupervised, without any users logged in.
>>> This creates a problem, however, because sndplay is not allowed access to
>>> the sound card when the user owning the cron job is not logged on! Which
>>> means no sound! Everything works fine when I'm logged on, and /dev/dsp has
>>> the following permissions and ownership:
>>> crw------- 1 riksarkivet root 14, 3 Aug 6 03:50 /dev/dsp
>>> Any ideas why this problem occurs? And how to get around it? Just changing
>>> the permissions won't work, as they are reverted when I log out.
>> To change the permissions permanently you have to edit
>> /etc/security/console.perms (see "man console.perms" for more details).
>> You probably want to change the default permissions of the audio devices
>> when not logged into the console to world writable.
>> -- Fernando
>> --__--__--
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