[PlanetCCRMA] Partial package install???

scott james muzycmynd4000 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 9 16:18:01 PDT 2005

--- Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>

> On Tue, 2005-08-09 at 14:48, scott james wrote:
> > Thank you for the reply. The command I entered was
> the
> > one from your ccrma home page..... apt-get install
> > planetccrma-audioapps and apt-get install
> > planetccrma-audiovideoapps.  The part that I'm
> > concerned with is the 1%  3% etc.. 
> That's fine, it is a "progress bar" outlining how
> far that particular
> set of installs is going. 
> > When I go to the
> > applications themselves to start them upm, I get
> start
> > errors. Audio cannot be established. What am I
> doing
> > wrong?
> Well, hard to say, it depends on which application
> you are trying to
> start. Some of them want Jack to be running, others
> needs specific
> command line switches. Lots to learn......
> -- Fernando

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