[PlanetCCRMA] Denormals info required

nigel henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Tue Aug 2 15:11:01 PDT 2005

Thanks for the PDF Fernando. I didn't look at it last night, it seemed a bit 
heavy, and it was late. I ran Soundtracker on FC2 all night with no problems. 
It was working ok the next morning. Read the denormals PDF. Still quite 
heavy, but I see what it's getting at. I was going to ask if there was a way 
of interrupting the CPU when it was being hogged by denornals, apart from 
rebooting, so as to be able to close a rogue app, but I think I'm going into 
the realms of science fiction. Thanks for all your help and advice. Nigel.

On Tuesday 02 Aug 2005 1:08 am, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 13:39, nigel henry wrote:
> > Hi folks. I left Soundtracker on all night after saving my work, and the
> > following morning saw it hogging 100% CPU. Fernando was talking about
> > denormals on an app a while back.
> I found this a while back and was useful:
> http://www.musicdsp.org/files/denormal.pdf
> > Is this likely to be a denormals problem on Soundtracker?
> Hard to tell.
> > It was totally locked up, no doubt to it taking all the CPU.
> It could also be a memory leak, the app starts using all memory and then
> goes into swap hell (everything starts going to swap and the machine
> slows down to a virtual halt).
> -- Fernando
> > I'd just like to know a bit about denormals if someone could enlighten
> > me. Also Specimen was hogging CPU before the latest upgrade. Was that a
> > denormals problem, or just a bug in the program? Just trying to learn a
> > bit more. Nigel.
> >
> > Soundtracker was run on Debian Sarge on testing (Etch) repo.
> > I'll try soundtracker overnight on FC2. Totally planetccrma.
> > I'll also try it on Debian, playing a track allnight and see if the
> > problem is still there in the morning. ( Not through the sound system, as
> > it will probably get a bit monotonous)

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