[PlanetCCRMA] Gentoo vs. Fedora 1/2, plus Q's about my hardware
R Parker
rtp405 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 27 07:06:01 PDT 2004
--- "Patrick - DJUnderground.com"
<djunderground at gmail.com> wrote:
> My Setup:
> (System 1)
> Dell Inspiron 8200 1.70ghz Pentium 4-Mobile
> 512mb RAM
> 40gb hard drive
> M-Audio Quattro USB
> Evolution MK-225C Keyboard
You should be able to find some other M-Audio Quattro
users on the mailing lists--certainly on the linux
audio user list.
> Which Kernel to use?
> It looks as if 2.4.x is the way to go. Is there any
> specific 2.4.x
> kernel to use? Why not use 2.6.x? Is there any
> downfall whatsoever
> to using 2.6, and is it not recommended? I'm not
> looking to spend a
> million hours trying to figure out what's wrong -
> instead I'd rather
> use something that will work.
> Gentoo vs Fedora 1/2
> I've grown quite fond of Gentoo over the past few
> months, mainly
> because of its ability to fine tune and tweak the
> kernel to the exact
> specs you want it to. On the other hand, I use
> Fedora Core 2 on my
> VPS for all my web hosting clients. I actually
> installed FC2 on the
> Pavilion and was quite impressed at how quick and
> painless it was to
> install. FC2 compared to Gentoo is simple, so
> simple I thought I
> missed a step with the automatic install :)
If you like something, then that's enough reason to
select it over another. The distrobutions are all
Linux kernel based, all of them are configurable it's
just that the distributers have different methods of
aproaching the tasks. There's also some interesting
political/philosophical reasons for choosing one over
The choice of 2.4 vs 2.6 depends upon your objective.
It seems that you want to dig in and work on music. I
think that makes 2.4 the better technical choice
because its low latency operation is appreciably more
tested than 2.6.
Fernando stays ontop of the kernel developments and
when he feels good about 2.6, he'll announce it. In
the kernel realm, I need to use this software and
don't have time for testing. That means 2.4 is my
choice until other people say 2.6 is ready.
I've used Debian, RH, and Gentoo and have switched
between them several times. I'm currently running
Plaent CCRMA and think it's great. I don't intend to
switch any time soon. If for no other reason, I don't
have time to learn another system.
> After reading up on http://www.gentoo-wiki.com, I
> noticed that the
> CCRMA has a couple ebuilds for Gentoo, which are
> based on the Redhat
> install. Do these ebuilds work as effectively as
> the Redhat/Fedora
> kernels, and if not, what's wrong with them?
> Basically, I'm trying to
> get the lowdown as to why Fedora Core 1/2 is still
> being used over
> Gentoo, aside from personal preference.
> Q's about my hardware
> With my M-Audio Quattro and Evolution MK-225C
> keyboard, will I run
> into any problems trying to get these items to work
> under FC1/2 or
> Gentoo?
> Any users who have similar experience, or knowledge
> to share, I'd love
> for you to respond. Please, enlighten me, as
> porting over to linux is
> something I would love to do.
> - Patrick
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