[PlanetCCRMA] RE: Gentoo vs. Fedora 1/2, plus Q's about my hardware

Doug Regehr dregehr at rim.com
Mon Sep 27 06:48:01 PDT 2004

> Q's about my hardware
> With my M-Audio Quattro and Evolution MK-225C keyboard, will I run
> into any problems trying to get these items to work under FC1/2 or
> Gentoo?

Last time I tried setting up my M-Audio Quattro with the planet, I ran into problems with the driver.  I wasn't able to get 4 inputs and 4 outputs working simultaneously with Jack (the some people report that they were able to make it work with ecasound).  I think I got 2 inputs and 2 outputs working simultaneously, but latency was not good.  I didn't try MIDI.  To be fair, the ASIO driver for Windows XP has only recently become usable.



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