[PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA OSX ???

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Sep 22 17:58:01 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 19:13, Macciza wrote:
> I'm Macciza and I'm in Sydney, Australia. First time on the list - here 
> goes.
> .
> Looks a very interesting package you have there, so my natural 
> question's are:
> Is it possible to build the FC2 / PlanetCCRMA package on PPC? If so 
> how's it best done?
> I've tried building some of the packages in OS9 & OSX and met with 
> mixed results, are there any mac specific projects/resources for the 
> CCRMA suite that I should know about?

No, sorry, not really. 

There would be two ways to deal with this, one would be to install and
run linux on your mac hardware and rebuilt all Planet CCRMA source rpms
for the ppc architecture (I guess Yellow Dog would be a good choice from
what I've seen). This is not a small project :-)

The other choice would be to run OSX and use fink to install additional
packages. Probably some of the ones supported will be for audio related
programs, but I don't know much about which ones are available. 

-- Fernando

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