[PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA OSX ???

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Sep 17 07:53:00 PDT 2004

Hi Macciza,

I am not so sure you can use all of planetCCRMA on OS-X and in
particular the Kernel stuff.

I think you will feel better using Fink on OS-X, 


many of PlanetCCRMA packages are there tailored for OS-X. Now if you are
using Yellow-dog or other Linux PPC flavor you might try getting RPM
sources from PlanetCCRMA and try to build those packages by yourself,
you might run into many version and dependence problems but it could be

  -- Juan

On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 19:13, Macciza wrote:
> G'day all,
> I'm Macciza and I'm in Sydney, Australia. First time on the list - here 
> goes.
> .
> Looks a very interesting package you have there, so my natural 
> question's are:
> Is it possible to build the FC2 / PlanetCCRMA package on PPC? If so 
> how's it best done?
> I've tried building some of the packages in OS9 & OSX and met with 
> mixed results, are there any mac specific projects/resources for the 
> CCRMA suite that I should know about?
> Thanks in advance from downunder,
> Macciza Macpherson
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