[PlanetCCRMA] GriPd for Pure data

Yves Cochard yves.cochard at unifr.ch
Fri Sep 17 12:48:02 PDT 2004

Hi all!

First, excuse me, I'm a newbie and that's my first message!

Here is my problem:

I would like to install GriPd, that would make my Pd nicer... 
(http://crca.ucsd.edu/~jsarlo/gripd/) but I couldn't get it work...

On the readme, it's written taht I should "Put gripd.pd_linux where Pd 
can find it", I think /usr/lib/pd should be fine. But then, I should 
"edit makefile" which I've no idea how to edit it... and then "run make 
gripd_linux" but the console answer me taht there is nothing to do for 
this file...

(I'm on FC1/kernel 2.4 series)

Any help would be nice.

Thank's all!


PS: Any of you have heard of "bio2jack"? ( 
http://bio2jack.sourceforge.net/ ) Does it work? Unfortunately, not for 
me! At least not yet!

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