[PlanetCCRMA] Another FC2 success
R Parker
rtp405 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 14 21:00:03 PDT 2004
--- Steve Blackwell <zephod at cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> On 14/09/04 17:34:48, Steve Harris wrote:
> I am a newbie on this list and to Linux audio in
> general and I have
> spent a few weeks lurking and trying to get my head
> around it all but
> with not much sucess.
> All I really want to do is to run a few audio apps.
> such as a sequencer
> such as Muse or RoseGarden and something that can
> slow down music
> without changing the pitch (haven't found one for
> that yet).
With those objectives, I'd suggest Planet CCRMA with
Red Hat 9 or Fedora Core 1 running a 2.4 series
kernel. Fedora Core 2 and the 2.6 kernels are cutting
edge. Either of the former are pretty much no brainer
installations. You will want to spend some time
reading Fernando's documentation. Don't skip over the
sections on system tuning.
> I read some of the ALSA documentation which
> suggested that I need to
> install some low-latency patches. The documentation
> is for a 2.4 kernel
> but I tried to apply it to my 2.6.8-1.521 FC2
> kernel. I can see from
> the FC2 release notes that the P9 voluntary
> preemption patch has
> already been applied to this FC2 kernel and yet
> there is no /proc/sys/
> kernel/voluntary-preemption file.
> I think that I'm missing some key piece of
> infomation here.
> Steve
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