[PlanetCCRMA] Another FC2 success

Steve Blackwell zephod at cfl.rr.com
Tue Sep 14 17:59:00 PDT 2004

On 14/09/04 17:34:48, Steve Harris wrote:
> Just got the P9 kernel up on the athlon in my home studio - working
> great
> so far, 1 hour @ 256 s/p of meterbridge PPM meters (to eat all the
> spare
> cpu), ardour looping a few tracks, jack-rack and jamin (heavy DSP
> load) -
> and no xruns so far.
> Good stuff :)
> - Steve

Did you use a kernel binary or compile one yourself?

I am a newbie on this list and to Linux audio in general and I have  
spent a few weeks lurking and trying to get my head around it all but  
with not much sucess.

All I really want to do is to run a few audio apps. such as a sequencer  
such as Muse or RoseGarden and something that can slow down music  
without changing the pitch (haven't found one for that yet).

I read some of the ALSA documentation which suggested that I need to  
install some low-latency patches. The documentation is for a 2.4 kernel  
but I tried to apply it to my 2.6.8-1.521 FC2 kernel. I can see from  
the FC2 release notes that the P9 voluntary preemption patch has  
already been applied to this FC2 kernel and yet there is no /proc/sys/ 
kernel/voluntary-preemption file.

I think that I'm missing some key piece of infomation here.


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