[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Any Spanish-speaking Planet CCRMA users out there?

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Oct 6 13:13:01 PDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-10-06 at 08:50, Pablo Silva wrote: 
> I can see my litte proposal has started a debate on several matters. 

Yes, and that's good...

> I don't know either LaTex or docbook, so I wonder what to do. (I'm 
> willing to learn whatever's needed, though, spoiled brat that I am, I 
> usually work from a Mac...) 

That's fine, both are plain text based, so any editor will do :-)

> I realize that finding a platform that will 
> allow fluid work between several people is not a light choice. Have 
> people considered Plone? I'm not an expert on it by any stretch, but I 
> use it for our internal server at the Lab here and it makes things easy 
> for us. I don't know if it supports conditionals.

I have looked at plone in the past and it is used in many sites. I don't
know what capabilities it has for supporting multiple simultaneous
translations, if you can find out let me know (I'm interested in
something that will keep translations synchronized). 

Plone has the disadvantage of being mouse click intensive for
everything, its main "user interface" being the web. That is good for
many reasons, but in my particular case I think it would _not_ be a
productivity booster :-(

> I'm starting work on a Spanish translation from the main page, on .txt 
> files, hoping that this will be easily portable to whatever the 
> platform we choose will be...

Plain text files are fine. 

> Let me know what boils down.

I'll let you know what I decide on doing asap. At this point most probably
some kind of preprocessor for tex that somehow takes care of conditionals. 

Thanks for getting this rolling...
-- Fernando

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