[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Any Spanish-speaking Planet CCRMA users out there?

Pablo Silva hpsilva at servidor.unam.mx
Wed Oct 6 08:51:00 PDT 2004

Hi again:

I can see my litte proposal has started a debate on several matters. I 
don't know either LaTex or docbook, so I wonder what to do. (I'm 
willing to learn whatever's needed, though, spoiled brat that I am, I 
usually work from a Mac...) I realize that finding a platform that will 
allow fluid work between several people is not a light choice. Have 
people considered Plone? I'm not an expert on it by any stretch, but I 
use it for our internal server at the Lab here and it makes things easy 
for us. I don't know if it supports conditionals.

I'm starting work on a Spanish translation from the main page, on .txt 
files, hoping that this will be easily portable to whatever the 
platform we choose will be...

Let me know what boils down.

See you


> --__--__--
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 22:32:35 -0400
> From: Phil Moors <pmoors at greenbelt.com>
> To: Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
> Cc: Steve Harris <S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk>, 
> planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Any Spanish-speaking Planet CCRMA users out 
> there?
> On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 01:39:15PM -0700, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano 
> wrote:
>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Any Spanish-speaking Planet CCRMA users out
>> 	there?
> Have you looked at Lyx? http://www.lyx.org. It's a gui front end that
> supports docbook and many other latex templates. You can export to 
> html,
> pdf and other formats from lyx.
> Phil

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